Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weekend recap

So this is a day late, but better late than never. Friday was somewhat rocky with me getting annoyed with the boyfriend. I misunderstood something and we quickly worked it out. Anyways I spend weekends at the boyfriends house which is lovely. So Saturday I woke up feeling like crap. The bf had to go get new tires for the motorcycle. I had asked if he cared if I stayed home while he got them but then I felt bad and got ready to go. Actually moving around helped. But this mono is seriously kicking my ass.
     After we got tires on the motorcycle we headed to johnsoncity for some shopping and a day date together with no little munchkin ( dont get me wrong I love his son like he was my own, but its nice to have a day to our selves once in awhile). Aaron wanted to go to this bike shop and price some new motorcycle jackets. We did that and then shopped for some other stuff. I got some super cute new casual shoes.

this picture doesn't do these shoes any justice, but they are grey and navy.

We then did Bonefish for dinner. Boyfriend had never eaten there and kept talking about these bang bang shrimp 1 bite and he was hooked and thats all he talked about the rest of the weekend. I have no found a recipe online and will be trying to recreate them.

Sunday morning I made mancakes I got this amazing recipe from this lady right here  Shades of Gray
Go visit her blog shes got some great recipes . I used a honey brown beer tho. And boyfriend could not quite talking about how good they were. I forgot to take pictures tho. Boo on me. Basically the rest of Sunday was spent with me falling asleep on the couch and boyfriend teasing me for snoring, while bf played some video games. Not very eventful but fun for me.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fridays Letters

Dear Body: This mono thing is kicking my butt this week. I hadnt really had any symptoms of it other than the exhaustion and the swollen lymph nodes up until this week. Now I have this  sore throat and congestion.  I would greatly appreciate it if you would vacate my body immedietly.

Dear Boyfriend: I love you tremendously and your great. I'm am thoroughly excited to be able to have a day together saturday. And prepare yourself for mancakes this weekend. I promise they will be yummy.

Dear Job: I love you and you are very fullfilling but this week has been very stressful, and next week is looking 10 times worse. Please be gentle.

Dear Samantha:You are one of my best friends and Im so glad we are working together again. The dream team. Also thank you for always listening to me vent. Please kiss that beautiful baby for me since this mono thing will be keeping me from him

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kissing Disease and other happenings

So I've been stressing for the past week because I had lymph nodes swell on my neck. This doesnt sound very stressful but I had 4 pop up and 1 of them is the size of a golf ball. I also have been extremely exhausted but other than that have had no symptoms. My friend who is also my family doctor called me in antibiotics but they did nothing for the swelling so I started to freak out. I work for cancer specialists so this does not help my worried as I was convinced that I had Lymphoma. I was not the only one to start coming to this conclusion either. Anyways I already had an appointment yesterday so we did a whole array of bloodwork and started talking about biopsies of my neck and about doing body scans to check for tumors. We all went to lunch and came back and to our surprise the bloodwork showed I had a positive monospot test, plus elevated liver enzymes (which is normal with mono because it messes with your spleen). Now most people would not be excited about this but me and Ginger literally did a dance and screamed in the middle of the hallway of the office. I'm sure people thought we were crazy. I have never been so excited in my life. But then I think how in the hell at 25 yo do I have mono ...The kissing disease...HELLO THATS FOR TEENAGERS!!! Oh well I get the weirdest things. 2years ago I got pertusis which is the whooping cough. Maybe the medical field isnt for me since I get all these off the wall things. So anyways I'm off work the rest of the week to rest and I dont even feel bad.

In other news I want everyone to watch this video and help us make a difference.

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/37119711?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;color=d13030" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/37119711">KONY 2012</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/invisible">INVISIBLE CHILDREN</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's letters

Dear Body:Thanks for that little scare for a week, where me and my family and friends thought I had cancer only to end up being Mono- the kissing disease. Starting now we are going to get this body in to amazing working order. Dear Ginger:Thanks for being an amazing doctor and for screaming and jumping in the hallway of your clinic after we found out it was mono. Since we had just been talking about sticking needles in my neck for a biopsy. Your amazing. Dear Boyfriend: I'm very excited that you actually have 1 day off and I will lay in bed with you and rest and be very excited. Although Im more excited that you have 2 days off next week.  I Love You!!! Dear Blog: Thank you for letting me write about myself even if no one reads you.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday's Letters

 First time im doing this so lets get down to business:

  Dear Boyfriend, this whole working 7 days a week thing really sucks. I'm worried about your health cuz im almost certain this is going to kill you. Its not just 7 days a week its the fact that they are making you working more hours then scheduled as well. We will get through this tho. Dear body, Your doing crazy things lately and you make me worry, I should not be this tired all the time. For the lords sake im only 25 years old. Dear Ginger, Thank you for being my very close friend and soon enough to be my doctor as well. Please do not put me on a million medication so that I have to get a granny pill box, but please fix me. Last but not least Dear Work, This week you have sucked royally. Can we please make nice next week Please and Thank you!!!!!
