How I make that money honey
So lets just start off I work for cancer specialists. We have multiple offices but I work at an outer clinic and I absolutely love it. I run what we call the shot clinic. Let me start off by saying our doctors are not only oncologists (cancer docs) but also hematologists (blood docs). So we deal with not only cancer but anemia and other blood related disorders. I draw all the blood for my patients as well as give them whatever shots they needs for examply procrit, aranesp and neulasta. IF anyone knows what those are for ill give you a giant hug.
I also have to deal with insurance which makes me want to pull my hair out. I have to get what we call PA (prior authorizations) from insurance to make sure they will pay for there medications. I also have to call in prescriptions and basically anything else that is needed of me in the clinic.
My job is extremely rewarding but hard at times. I sit and talk to these patients almost on a daily basis while they are recieving chemo and I become very close with them. Some pass away and its very hard, but we trudge on so we are able to help so many others.
I also work in Emergency Room for about the past 4 years. That is another story but lets just say I love my full time job best. Any questions please feel free to ask as I am an open book. If your visiting my page thru the link up please leave a comment and stay a while. Thanks to lindsey for the awesome link up.