Monday, August 27, 2012

I confess

I confess I think i have an unhealthy obsession with everything that is faux mustache... I will leave you with the pictures and just point out my birthday is next month and I will gladly give you my P.O. Box number for a few of these gems

via   you can wrap it in this!!!!
These are only a few options I love it all....Thank you in advance lol


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend Rundown

Well my beautiful ladies I am feeling more and more myself as the days go on Hallelujah!!!!!!!
Friday I went to a high school football game which was extremely fun but then we all started talking and made ourselves depressed because we are 10 years older than most of those kids. Seriously when in the hell did I get old??????? We then went bowling and may I ask when the hell did bowling alleys get bars. I mean come on this is AMAZING!!!! Have I been under a rock or what? My phone was dead so I didnt do any picture taking. Very sad I know but one of the girls def. busted her ass on the lane because she didnt know they were slippery once you cross that dreaded line. HAHA we almost had to make an ER trip since her hand was swollen and blue before we even got home.

Saturday was my lazy day. I seriously didn't do much of anything. Laid around being lazy lol
Sunday as in today I went to my friends house out on the lake and swam. Gotta make the best of the rest of summer. We live in Tennessee so that could be 2 more months but who knows. It's beginning to feel alot more like fall everyday. Ill leave you with what few pictures from the weekend I have.
Don't ask me about these faces. And yes we went out in a mini van...classy
I worked the front desk instead of seeing patients friday so I wore a dress
They are wooden how cute
my view for the day
my sweet baby diesel

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I confess

  I Confess: I have really neglected this blog over the summer. I have had way too many things going
                    on in my life and I'm not completely comfortable discussing these things yet but with

I Confess: I am finally starting to feel like my old chipper self again and it is..AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I Confess: I turn 26 next month and although its a pretty lame birthday I wanna have a big party.

I Confess: I'm gonna do it...don't judge me!!! Oh yea your all invited!!!!!

I Confess: Finally I confess i really want to be a better blogger and have a following like some of the blogs that I'm in love with. I have mentioned them before.

Hope everyone has an amazing week!!!