Friday, March 16, 2012

Fridays Letters

Dear Body: This mono thing is kicking my butt this week. I hadnt really had any symptoms of it other than the exhaustion and the swollen lymph nodes up until this week. Now I have this  sore throat and congestion.  I would greatly appreciate it if you would vacate my body immedietly.

Dear Boyfriend: I love you tremendously and your great. I'm am thoroughly excited to be able to have a day together saturday. And prepare yourself for mancakes this weekend. I promise they will be yummy.

Dear Job: I love you and you are very fullfilling but this week has been very stressful, and next week is looking 10 times worse. Please be gentle.

Dear Samantha:You are one of my best friends and Im so glad we are working together again. The dream team. Also thank you for always listening to me vent. Please kiss that beautiful baby for me since this mono thing will be keeping me from him

1 comment:

  1. hey love. so glad I found your blog. I'm definitely following now. I can't wait to read more. If you get a sec, I'd love if you'd check out my blog. It's all about the adventures of a small town girl taking on the LA fashion scene. xo
