Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday's Letters

 First time im doing this so lets get down to business:

  Dear Boyfriend, this whole working 7 days a week thing really sucks. I'm worried about your health cuz im almost certain this is going to kill you. Its not just 7 days a week its the fact that they are making you working more hours then scheduled as well. We will get through this tho. Dear body, Your doing crazy things lately and you make me worry, I should not be this tired all the time. For the lords sake im only 25 years old. Dear Ginger, Thank you for being my very close friend and soon enough to be my doctor as well. Please do not put me on a million medication so that I have to get a granny pill box, but please fix me. Last but not least Dear Work, This week you have sucked royally. Can we please make nice next week Please and Thank you!!!!!


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